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Privacy Policy


In principle, hairwigworld.com cannot sell, rent or otherwise make available to third parties the personal data (your name, e-mail address, business and private address and telephone number) submitted to our site by its visitors. In the event of a possible use, this information is not used for direct marketing or tracking purposes in any way, without our prior notification and your express consent when presenting the information. With your permission, hairwigworld.com will use this information for the following purposes:

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Delivering your purchased goods or prizes.

Only authorized hairwigworld.com personnel or our representatives who have agreed to keep the information confidential can access personal information. hairwigworld.com, without disclosing individuals, to improve our site as part of our continuous internal review of statistical information (browser type, geographic location, age, gender, etc.); generally uses it to learn more about the consumers of our products. This information is not disclosed to third parties by hairwigworld.com. These data can only be used for the stated purpose and cannot be used for any unilateral communication without your permission.

hairwigworld.com does not guarantee that other sites you will go to through the links on our site, my hairwigworld.com, will comply with the Interactive Privacy Approach principles summarized above; For this reason, we recommend that you evaluate the privacy approaches of the sites visited before providing any personally identifiable information.

If you want more information about hairwigworld.com Interactive Privacy Approach principles, please contact [email protected]. hairwigworld.com may change this approach.

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